Joint Venture with Bioregional


Delivering affordable zero carbon homes

Embracing One Planet Living® principles 

Our joint venture partnership with Bioregional Homes will embrace their One Planet Living® principles  – building homes that are zero carbon, from sustainable materials using modern methods of construction  in developments where recycling, food growing and biodiversity are encouraged.

The developments will comprise a mix of market-sale housing and discounted market sale homes, so local people can afford to buy somewhere to live in their area. The JV will aim to widen access to home ownership by ensuring that reduced house prices are protected permanently through community governance structures.


About Bioregional

Bioregional is a sustainability charity and social enterprise founded more than 25 years ago that has an impressive track record in creating locally affordable and truly sustainable developments.

Bioregional Homes is a subsidiary of the charity and was set up in 2018 to create genuinely affordable, zero-carbon homes that enable sustainable lifestyles.

“This is a very exciting move for Hill as we continue to evolve the way we deliver homes for the future.  We look forward to focusing on a number of already identified projects with Bioregional Homes. We are also keen to develop a range of inspirational house types which will be energy efficient and reflect One Planet Living principles.”

Andy Hill, Chief Executive, Hill

