Our Customer Service Team

Customer Service operatives

Our dedicated Customer Service team is available to help with any queries about your new home for the first two years after legal completion.

As part of our Customer Charter, we continually strive to answer questions and complaints in a fair and helpful manner, as our goal is to ensure that our customers are content in their new homes.

construction tools
Hill Customer Service operative

In the event of our Customer Service team being unable to resolve a situation in a satisfactory manner, we have a formal complaints procedure in which customers can inform us of their issues

We will then aim to resolve the complaint as swiftly as possible, or if it is a more complex issue put together a plan of action within 30 working days.

Complaints that for whatever reason cannot be resolved by Hill’s own team can be referred for an independent resolution to the NHBC for warranty issues with your home, or under the Consumer Code for Homebuilders.

